Our returns policy is 14 days.

To return an item, it must be returned within 14 days and be in the same condition as when you received it, unopened, untampered, unused. You will also need a receipt to prove that you purchased the item from us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to process refunds for goods that have been purchased on sale.

Please contact us at if you need help with a return. Provided that there are no problems with your request to return an item, we will then accept your return and provide instructions on how to return the item(s). Item(s) sent without prior acceptance of a return will not be accepted.

After your return has been accepted and we have received the item that you are returning, we will inspect the item and make sure that it meets the standards for returning. If accepted, we will then refund your purchase back to the method of payment used to originally purchase it.

Please note, you must pay for the delivery of returning the item.